#9 CEO & Founder of OMR Philipp Westermeyer - "Go out & do something!"

Show notes

Episode #9

Philipp Westermeyer is founder and CEO of OMR - the leading platform for the global digital economy, content, events and technology.

The annual OMR Festival is one of the world's largest digital industry events. The OMR subsidiary "Podstars" produces over 100 podcast formats

With 70,000 visitors, the OMR Festival is one of the largest marketing events. OMR will take place on May 7 and 8, 2024 in the Hamburg exhibition halls. In a compact period of two days, OMR provides its community with concentrated expertise in the form of an expo, a conference, various master classes, side events, guided tours and cool parties as well as live concerts.

There is a good reason why OMR attracts more and more visitors every year, because the biggest professionals in the industry gather here and make the heart of every marketing maniac beat faster. Even Hollywood legends are drawn to the conference for good reason.

OMR also offers an excellent networking platform.

> > Connect with us and discuss on our posts to the episode:

Here is André's profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/borusiak/

Here is Christian’s profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ckoesling/

Here is Philipp's profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/philipp-westermeyer-omr/

© Connecting For Future Podcast 2023

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